Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"25 Facts You Should Know If You Are A Nerd"

1)  You may not be aware of this but, the A in 'The A-Team' stood for "Absent Fathers'.

2) Elmo, the first mexican Muppet, is actually pronounced and written like this: "El Moe."

3) Pokemon cards are laced with a drug called 'Sensitron'. It makes things that don't make sense seem to make sense.

4) When young Billy Batson shouts the magic word "SHAZAM!" he becomes the mightiest of heroes, Captain Marvel. Similarly, when i shout the magic word "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, the crowd turns into a frightened mob and runs in terror......Because of my magic.

5) On the show 'LOST', ironically, no one was lost. Everytime I saw it, I'd go, "Right there! You're right there!" Sure enough, we learned they were all right there.

6) The first name 'Darth' is so very common in Sith social circles that during roll call, many Darths would raise their hands at the same time. It was a real hoot.

7) In 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' we learn the magical land of Narnia is in the back of a closet. True to the mythology, many of Narnias characters are also "In the closet", if you know what I mean.

8)  Vampirism is a rare blood disease causing immortality, super powers and, as it happens, very prominent cheekbones.

9) If Green Lantern creates a green girlfriend using his power ring, nobody considers that masturbation but me.

10) My daughter has a 'Transformer', which is a toy robot that can turn into a car at the drop of a hat. I, myself, have a pair of 'Pants' that can turn into dirty laundry at the drop of a bowl of soup.

11) On the show 'Knight Rider' we learned that Hasselhoff could talk to his car. And you can, too, people. Go ahead. I won't say anything. Nor will the car in response.

12) I think when someone turns into a werewolf, they probably double or possibly even triple  their chances of  getting some nice dog sex.

13) David Bowies hair was so difficult to maintain on the set of the fim "Labyrinth' he would sometimes have to scalp Tina Turner and wear her head meat just to get through a scene.

14) Thor carries a mystical hammer called Mjolnir that comes with a thunder. This used to be the name I gave my penis.

15) Now my penis name is 'General Zod'(the villain from Superman 2). So if I ever yell at you, "Kneel before Zod!" I hope you will know what to do.

16) George Lucas actually got the idea for the character 'Jar Jar Binks' from one of his closest friends: 'Container Container Binks'. 

17) Harry Potter is not only the name of a popular wizard but, also Chewbaccas toilet.

18) I bet you there is a real guy out there named Frank N. Berry. At least, I hope so.

19) If they ever make a porno version of 'Clash of the Titans', I think they should just take the 'an' out of the title.

20) 'Dark City' was about a nightmarish alien plot to enslave humanity and not, as rumored, about Detroit.

21) The show 'Heroes' had no Heroes in it. The characters just had super powers and fought each other. They did not save people. It is like if you went to 'Burger King' and they had no burgers. Just salad with 'burger-like powers'. There. I said it.

22) RoboCop is half man, half machine, and half bad at fractions.

23) The Terminator can take a bullet, have its skin burnt off and can even sweat. But it cannot pronounce California.

24) If a vampire laughs while feeding I bet blood shoots out of their nose.

25) The Lone Rangers horse, Silver, was actually white. When are we gonna talk about color in this country?

26) In literary circles, Dr. Who was known as Dr. Whom

written by Tony Santiago, all rights reserved

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