Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"My History With Rabbits."

      Traveling is something I didn't know I loved until I was about 27 or so. I had gone to Chicago to perform in a National Poetry Show. While there, I stayed with a friend's in-laws and at one point stood in their backyard reciting poetry alone. Looking down I saw that a rabbit had approached and was sitting beside me. The more I spoke the closer it got, which led me to believe it was not a critic.
         After a while I stopped talking at the air and began directing my voice to the rabbit itself.. This felt wrong somehow. Why would I recite memorized writings to a rabbit when I could speak in a more present and improvised manner? I explained to the rabbit that this wasn't usually how I spent my days and introduced myself as a "Young artist and a new father" which sounded so douchey when I heard myself saying it.
        My buddy Manuel showed up and said, "That's weird that the bunny is so friendly with you. They are usually a bit stand-offish to humans."
       "Yeah, " I said, "But so am I."
         I began mentally cataloging things the rabbit and I had in common. A similar stance, dark eyes and a lack of comfort around others. It has always been my nature to share such lists (I make many lists in my head) with whoever is around to fill the void of conversation but I didn't see a need to with the rabbit. Not because it wouldn't understand, mind you but because of a growing feeling it knew that already.
         Later that day, a buddy of mine named Matthew JC suggested that it was my "Spirit Animal", a concept which fascinated me but also embarassed me. Whenever talk goes to the subject of spirits, I giggle like a 3-year old who just heard "Boobies." Not because I was opposed to the idea or anything. I quite like ghosts and boobies and would very much enjoy the presence of either but getting in a conversation about them just leaves my mouth agape and my face looking something like Bugs Bunny when he follows a carrot hanging from a fishing line.
       The rabbit hopped away eventually but not in a frightened manner. He just looked like he had something else to do.
       To this day, I feel no certainty about what lies in wait for us in the next realm but, I know what I am doing in this one. I travel when I can because you can meet interesting characters when you do. I make stories, jokes, films, music and such with little regard for memorization. When life permits I live in the moment with what I am doing at that time and not what I was doing yesterday. And while I'm doing all of that, I will continue to think of rabbits as some of my dearest friends.

written by Tony Santiago, all rights reserved, but by all means, share this with a friend.

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