Monday, August 22, 2011

"Ninja Warrior & Rocky Horror Titles"

         There are these shows on the G4 Network called 'Ninja Warrior' & 'American Ninja Warrior' that can be fun to watch however, I have noticed a trend in television and movies. Bad titles. These shows feature zero Ninjas. Just really athletic people hopping around. I can see them so they are not very stealthy nor do they wear the proper Ninja attire that so many boys wish they had for pajamas (usually we settle on sweatpants & a ski mask).
         I shouldn't pick on them exclusively, though. Remember in 1995, when Joel Schumacher introduced Robin into the Batman franchise (also nipples on the Batsuit)? The movie was the third in the series and it was called 'Batman Forever'. The follow-up was entitled 'Batman and Robin'. I believe and I am sure you will agree that the one that introduced Robin as Batman's new partner should have been called 'Batman and Robin' while the fourth one should have been 'Batman 4ever'.
        Giving your movie or TV show a title that doesn't fit when you know it is legal to give it a good one doesn't make sense. Forrest Gump and Rocky recognized the main characters and simply name the movies after them. Easy and logical. 'Snakes On A Plane' is not a masterpiece. But many believe that title sold at least half of their tickets. The 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' is a cult classic today but at the time of it's release it wasn't pulling in 100 million dollars or anything. If they had simply thought to call it 'The Monsters & Trannys Are Gonna Sing'? Well, only the most stuffy person could stay home.
       What do you think?

written by Tony Santiago, all right reserved.


  1. I agree. I was enticed into watching the movie "Beaches" thinking there would be relaxing clips of various beaches and instead I got two whiney women and the story of their friendship. "Bitches" would have been more appropriate. Sheesh.

  2. That statement will find you a great husband.
